
Hi everyone! I apologize for the huge lack of posts and updates but a series of events happened, including losing my username and password to login to wordpress (whoops hahah), losing my camera and moving from one country to another!

But I’d like to thank those of you who have stuck around and those who commented and, of course, my new followers! I expect to be able to post new tutorials soon, I just need some time to settle in.

As per usual, if you have a request for a tutorial, be it for a specific piece or just a stitch, please leave a comment of email me ( including a picture if possible) and I’ll have it up as soon as I can!

Thanks again for your endless support and patience , stick around for posts!

Lots of love,


About Yasmine Bijoux

Hi and welcome to my blog! I'm an Italian who grew up in the US and for the moment lives in Brazil. I love beading and sharing what I know. This is my little corner of creativity where I hope you'll find useful tips, ideas and inspirations! To talk to me leave a comment or email me at y.b.beading@gmail.com . If you've made a piece following my tutorials be sure to send me a picture so I can show it off here! Enjoy your stay!

Posted on Janeiro 17, 2015, in Tutorial. Bookmark the permalink. Deixe um comentário.

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